Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Feeding Twins

Not an easy task now that they are eating solids. With bottles, it was fairly simple: get in a comfy position, babies in bouncy seats, bottles in mouth. Now it takes planning! After much thought, I've decided that it is easier to feed them at the same time--no listening to the other cry/scream in another room...no wondering what the other baby is up to/getting in to.

So, after about 10 mins preparation....putting food, wet rags, bibs, sippy cups on table, getting babies in chairs, bibbing babies...it's time to eat.

Feeding them together does have it's downfalls. There is one more BIG distraction to contend with: EACH OTHER! They generally spend most of the time looking at, reaching for, smiling at, spitting food at, etc each other:

Much of the time not spent on each other, is spent in other, non-eating ways:

Then after about 20 mins of trying to convince them to eat(picture much begging, pleading, silly songs, goofy dances & a few silly, frustrated screams from mommy) & peas on the floor, carrots on the chair, oatmeal on their faces & a little bit of everything on me... it's time for the best part: the Nilla wafer. Each baby gets about 1/2 of one in pieces on their tray--it keeps them happy & calm while I clean up around them.

Repeat at each meal time(breakfast, lunch & dinner).

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love that picture of Drew with food on his face. They are both so cute!