Tuesday, December 21, 2010

At least I'm getting it done before the end of the year...

I would have liked to have done this post on Ava & Drew's actual birthday, but since we were in the middle of moving, it just didn't happen.

Ava, at 3 years, you:
*Are a little bit taller than Drew(probably still 90%, but we haven’t had your 3yo appt yet)
*Wear mostly 4T(I hate that they cut girl’s shirt smaller than boys)
*Can be quite picky about what you eat: ‘breakfast bar’ for breakfast, pbj for lunch
*Are more likely to try new foods than Drew…..unless he tells you that you don’t like it!
*Have curly, curly hair—in the back. In the front it is straight as a board!
*NEVER stop moving. You run most everywhere & bounce when you are seated
*Don’t talk quite as much as Drew, but close. Though you tend to mumble a lot, so I’m not quite as good at translating you.
*Are hilarious….and know it. You love to make us all laugh, but especially Drew. When the 2 of you get going, it is hard to stop it.
*can have quite a temper…..and tend to scream & bite when you get mad
*don’t get mad TOO often
*are tolerating Presley more & more & even *want* to play with her sometimes!
My dear, sweet firstborn,
3 years old already. Sometimes it seems like you just started walking. The time has flown & sometimes I worry that that means I’m not giving you enough of me. But, you are so sweet & take what I can give you & still love me as much as you can. I love that you are now spontaneously telling me “I love you”. While you are often my crazy, excitable, shrieking child, you can also be a sweet little cuddlebug, who is quiet & a little bit shy around strangers. I love all sides of you….I even love your scary mad side!  Watching you grow up & learn about the world around you is so much fun. I love you so much sweetheart!

Drew, at 3 years, you:
*Are slightly shorter than Ava
*Wearing mostly 3T
*are a VERY picky eater. The most common thing we hear from you at the table it I DON’T LIKE THIS---before you ever try it! Cinnamon waffles, pbj & pretzels are your staples….it’s very seldom we can get you to try something new
*NEVER stop talking. Questions, answers, discussions…..you are so very inquisitive. I feel like I’ll be catching up to you forever. It’s wonderful
*LOVE to learn. Doing ‘letters’ (starfall.com) is your favorite thing
*Are still a bit whiny. But I think it’s getting better as you get older!
*Can be very bossy … especially to Ava. But, she doesn’t seem to mind it..for the most part
*Love to play with Presley. Lately you’ve been wanting to hold her—not a great idea since she weighs almost as much as you. But I love that you love her!
My sweet little boy,
I am amazed that 3 years have already passed. My time & attention is so divided, yet somehow you make me feel like I’m doing a wonderful job. You are so sweet & silly. I love listening to you sing….especially when you make up your own songs. You are so much fun & love to play. I look forward to watching you grow & learn…..I just hope I can keep up with you. I love you.

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