Friday, July 9, 2010

Better late than never...

Pres turned 9 months old on Tuesday. I totally took pictures that day & had every intention of posting that night.....and now, I honestly can't remember why it didn't happen. But, it was probably kid-related!

Here she is at 9 mos.

She is crawling all over the place & trying to pull up--she succeeds occasionally. She is very happy as long as she's right in the middle of things(which Ava & Drew just love...ok, maybe not) & gets fed whenever she wants. She's a good napper, but not a good sleeper at night. 2 is the minimum number of times she's up at night....sometimes it's hourly. (I just keep reminding myself that it won't last forever & try to enjoy the alone time with her!). She has 4 teeth with 2, possibly 4, more on the way in!
Her 9 mo well-check is Tuesday, so I'll probably post her stats then....we're guessing she'll weigh in around 24 lbs (:0!!)

Pres turned 9 months old on Tuesday. I totally took pictures that day & had every intention of posting that night.... and honestly I can't remember why it didn't happen, but I'm sure it was kid-related! ;)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I LOVE her outfit and bow! She is just precious!!!!:) Next time you are in I am thinking we should have a play date!!