Thursday, December 17, 2009


Yesterday, I pretty much spent the day at the pediatrician's office. Ava & Drew had their 2 year well-check in the morning...came home for lunch & naps....then back to the doctor with Presley for her 2 month appointment.

AVA: 30# (85%) 35 3/4in (90%)
DREW: 31# (80%) 34 1/2 in (50%)---I don't think this is entirely accurate, as he was very squirmy when the nurse tried to measure it. I'm pretty sure they are much closer in height!

PRESLEY: 12#2oz (76%) *up from 9#4oz at 2 wks!! 24 1/2in (95%) *she's already in 6 mos clothing!!

All of them got at least 1 shot(more for Pres) :( & the doctor was very happy with all of them. Drew & Ava don't go back for a whole year(well, I'm sure will be in plenty for sick visits!) & Pres will go back in 2 mos.

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